President’s Message

Message from Marlene



President’s Message

“Alone we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

It’s good to be back into the AAUW year; we have accomplished so much in just a few weeks
that it seems like we’ve been working together all year.
First, A HUGE Thank You to the Road Rally committee members: Jeanne Blades, Kathleen
Hampton, Beverly Peters, Jodie Spears, Karen Thames, and Rose Ann Ward. It was a fun-filled
afternoon that brought in a good amount of money for SARC!! Congratulations!!!!
And now, going back to September, our first meeting was at HCC’s Hays Heighe House where
we learned about Ground News; that was an extremely useful meeting with Professor
Stephanie Hallock who discussed the best ways to determine truth on the internet and television. A good lesson for anyone reading or listening to news!
At the end of September, the book club had over 15 of our members present to discuss the
book Women. It was a thoughtful discussion about women in the Viet Nam War, many who
were told “There were no U.S. women serving in Viet Nam.” And this month we’re reading the
Maryland One Book.
The Pride Festival, the first Saturday in October was a great success, for its organizers and for
AAUW, where we had several women sign up for more information about our branch and
AAUW in general.
The Road Rally was held the following week. Again, Kudos, on a well-thought-out scavenger
hunt as well as a raffle with so many local businesses gift certificates in those beautiful
Finally, the Toni Bram Scholarship Drive got underway with letters being sent to all members to update them on the student we have “adopted” at the Furaha All Girls’ School in Kenya: Duncan Moreen Kendi, and to request a donation to pay for her year’s tuition, room, and board. Most likely, you have already received the Toni Bram Scholarship Appeal letter from me; if you haven’t received it, look for it in your mailbox. This is our third year for covering the costs of
tuition, room and board ($800) for Duncan Moreen Kendi at Furaha All Girls’ High School in
Kenya. I included a recent picture of Duncan Moreen in the letter, so you can see her in her
uniform. If you have any questions, please email me! I’ll be happy to tell you about the school and the school’s director as well as send you a copy of the letter that Duncan Moreen wrote to
So much accomplished!! Thank You All who have participated in any way!
Coming up in the next few months are celebrations and fun as part of our meetings! Every
year, the Discovery Center supports our Judith Resnik Brunch, and I have always wondered
what the Discovery Center is! This November, we get a tour of the location on our meeting night (the 3 rd Wednesday of the month, Nov. 20 at 6 PM)! Join us there at 4505 Pulaski Hwy, Belcamp, MD
21017. (Board meeting will be at 5 at this location.)
In December, we will have our Christmas party. Thank you to Alice Leeds for generously
offering her house again this year for this event. Be sure you have signed up to bring some
wonderful food to the party where Alice will have turkey and bourbon cranberry sauce for us.
If you are attending, please email me to let me know what you will bring to eat (unless you
have already signed up at the October Membership Meeting) and bring a donation of canned food for the Sharing Table in Edgewood. I am looking forward to seeing all of you at future meetings.

Last year, your board distributed a survey to determine how to increase attendance at meetings. We’ve changed some of the meetings to an earlier time (including the November meeting!) Please try to attend and participate in these fun and educational gatherings. Our January and February meetings are on Zoom (with great topics planned by Theresa), so join us there!
Again, my thanks to all of you,
